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to the Washington State Society DAC website!
The Daughters of the American Colonists is a lineage society dedicated to patriotism, education, and historic preservation. We are also about friendship and community service. This website explains all about our state organization, and we encourage your participation. Please come inside to learn more about the Washington State Society. We have gathered information that you should find informative and interesting.


Our members are all descendants of a man or woman who rendered patriotic or civil service to the American Colonies prior to July 4, 1776. Perhaps you have a Colonial ancestor in your family as well! While we are a lineage organization, we are also a service organization. Washington Daughters are active throughout their communities, promoting patriotism, education, and historic preservation.


To learn more about the National Society, follow the link above to NSDAC. If you are interested in membership, please contact the chapter nearest you or our state registrar.

See us on Facebook:

As Washington State Regent and on behalf of the Washington State Daughters, welcome to our website.

Shirley Stirling
Washington State Regent


Objects of the National Society

The object of this Society shall be Patriotic, Historical and Educational;

  • to make research as to the history and deeds of the American colonists and to record and publish the same;

  • to commemorate deeds of colonial interest; to inculcate and foster love of America and its institutions by all its residents;

  • to obey its laws and venerate its Flag - the emblem of its power and civic righteousness.

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