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Historical Markers and Memorials

Aug.12, 1956: Painting of Marianne Nelson Garnett given to Fort Simcoe Commandant's House in honor of Mrs. Oscar Schumann, DAC State Regent.

Photo of house by National Park Service.
1961: Plaque honoring Ruth Childs in the Yakima school named for her.
July 1, 1963: Washington State Chapters marked the entrance to Fort Walla Walla Park, a followup of the project that saved the old Fort cemetery.
Sept. 3, 1982: DAC Plaque in entrance lobby of Lewis and Clark Interpretative Center in Fort Canby State Park near Long Beach, Washington.

Removed during remodel.

Displayed and rededicated August 2014.
June 23, 1985: Marker at LaFramboise Homestead recognizing LaFramboise homestead, church and blacksmith shop at Moxee, Washington
March 1989: Flag pole at Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, WA, and wreaths at graves of Princess Angeline and Doc Maynard
July 20, 1989: Yakima Chapter joined with others to place State Marker "Naches Basket Fort" as part of centennial celebration.
Aug. 22, 1999: DAC marker at Mukilteo Lighthouse commemorating the landing of Capt. Vancouver. Additional photo - Mrs. Ottaway, Nat. Pres., Mayor Doran, Mrs. Thorliefson, WA State Regent, Mrs. White, Pacific NW Vice Pres, Mrs. Pond, National Historian.
Oct. 5, 2002: DAC Ancient Cowlitz Trading Path at Tumwater Falls, Olympia, WA
May 19, 2004: Perrigo Springs Marker in Redmond, WA, placed along with Willow tree by Snoqualmie Falls Chapter.
May 27, 2006: Brick at Bigelow House Museum placed by Tumwater Falls Chapter.
2007: Bricks at Bigelow House Museum placed by Tumwater Falls Chapter in honor of chapter members who were Washington State Regents
2003 to 2007: Washington State Regent Irene Berg's Project to include an archives room for DAC in the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society Library.
2008: Tumwater Falls Chapter placed a brick at the YWCA in Olympia.
March 27, 2009: Washington State Regent Carole Holt placed this marker celebrating 100 years of Washington Women Voting. Marker is located at the Old Capitol Building in Olympia.
October 16, 2011: Washington State Regent Maralyn Ricketts placed this marker at the Bigelow House in Olympia celebrating the visit of Susan B. Anthony on Oct. 18, 1871.
2015: Washington State Regent Penny Genise, for her project, funded a new exhibit at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. This exhibit honors the story of the local Nordoff of whom was a Women's Airforce Service Pilot, who, during World War II, opened the door of military and commercial aviation to countless generations of women. Special guests at the exhibit dedication were these three WASPs, Betty Dybbro, Dorothy Olson and Nancy Nordhoff Dunnam, standing next to our National President Beverly Daugherty.
This close-up of some of the exhibit photos highlights Nancy Nordhoff Dunnam.
This photo is of Nancy Nordhoff Dunnam's father, Arthur Nordhoff, with his Air Service training squadron. Photo taken about 1917.
The plaque that goes with the photo exhibit. At the bottom is the credit given to the Washington State Society Daughters of the American Colonists.
Another piece of the exhibit involved the Bellevue Airfield, which Arthur Nordhoff founded in 1941. Activity at the airfield peaked in the 1970s, but gradually declined until it was closed in 1983 and converted into an office park.
September 2017:
Washington State Regent Maralyn Ricketts placed this marker at the Red Brick Road Park in Bothell to celebrate the construction of the Military Road between Fort Vancouver and Fort Bellingham.
During the coronavirus pandemic, as a part of her first state regent project, State Regent Diane Smith established and dedicated an engraved native boulder on the grounds of Littlerock Elementary School. The boulder tells the story of 15 women whose votes were counted in a territory-wide election, a first in Washington's history. It was 50 years before (most) women’s right to vote was recognized nationally. Many dignitaries were present and involved in the reinactment of those "first votes", including our Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, (left front chair) whose office is in charge of elections.
September 2023:
Dofflemyer Point Lighthouse
In partnership with the Boston Harbor Marina, we have  installed, on its dock, a porcelain enamel panel storyboard “illuminating” the lighthouse’s history. Its current structure was built in 1934. The first Dofflemyer Point light was literally an ordinary little light. In 1887, a simple lantern hung at the end of a pole stuck in the sand. What a job it must have been to keep it lit!
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